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Business Doctoral Programs



On-Campus and Online Doctoral Degree and Online Programs

Are you ready to take your higher education to the next level? When you hold a doctoral degree, 你不仅会参与你的研究领域,你还会帮助塑造它. Whether through conducting ground-breaking research, training the next generation of professionals, or advising the industry in an administrative role, 你将有潜力成为你所在领域受人尊敬的从业者和知识渊博的管理者.

我们的目标是为您提供国际商业原则的实际应用,并帮助您在全球商业舞台上留下自己的印记. 我们欢迎来自世界各地的学生,并给他们一个无与伦比的, international community experience. 国际学生在整个项目中都得到国际学生服务部的支持,帮助他们适应环境. 

As a graduate student or master's degree holder, 在你的领域获得专业博士学位是最高的学术成就, preparing you for just about any challenge or opportunity. Alliant博士课程为您提供所需的工具,使您成为所在领域的真正领导者.

information systems

Doctoral Degree Programs at Alliant

从心理学专业的博士和心理学博士到教育学专业的教育博士, 博士学位课程为您提供在我们加州六个校区之一或在线继续教育的选择. With an on-campus or online doctorate degree from Alliant, you'll be trained not only to handle tough industry questions, 但也要追求成为你所在领域的领导者,为后代开辟一条道路.

Each doctoral program provides coursework in your field, 随着论文工作,帮助您深入了解您的行业的挑战,并允许您将您的知识应用到实际情况.


Learn the Benefits of Being a CSML International Student

国际学生是我们多元文化社区的重要组成部分. 在这段视频中,听听CSML国际学生对包容性社区的看法, acceptance, and respect they’ve experienced at Alliant.

International Student Experience II @ Alliant
business leadership

Why Choose Alliant for Your Doctoral Program?

无论你选择参加面对面或在线博士课程, 您将从经验丰富的教师那里学习,鼓励您实现学术和个人目标. Beyond the academics at our doctoral degree university, 你会发现Alliant的精神是欢迎和促进多样性. This brings with it not only an atmosphere of acceptance, 但它能让你从其他角度和文化中学习, 将你的学术经历转化为人类的成长,更好地了解你的同龄人. 

Earn your doctoral degree at Alliant International University.

man looking at screen

Demystifying the Dissertation Journey

To many doctoral students, the design, implementation, 发表论文似乎是一项艰巨的任务. 就在学生们完成学业后,他们觉得自己看到了隧道尽头的光明, many fear that it’s just an oncoming train! 的确,有可能在没有完成论文的情况下完成博士学位课程所需的单元, which leads to the dreaded label of ABD, ‘All But Dissertated’. 然而,这种情况通常发生在学生的时间和延期期限用完的时候. Thankfully, this is the exception. 

Want to learn more about how we help doctoral students succeed?

student holding a coffee

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